In India constipation and gas is very common disorder, it is so prevalent that Indian cinema made a movie  on 'PIKU' portrayed this disorder very beautifully .movie was a blockbuster because it touched every Indian soul

Constipation is a very common problem in India.  Every 5th Indian is suffering from this disorder. If this is associated with other symptoms like Abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and intermittent diarrhea is suggestive of some gastrointestinal disorder like IBS(irritable bowel syndrome). Although we do not know exactly what causes IBS, some experts theorize that abnormal communication between the brain and gut leads to increased spasticity and movement of the digestive system. IBS does not cause any long- term damage, but it can make your days (and nights) miserable.

Use these natural tips to help you get through your IBS:

1. Stress Reduction
Stress does not cause irritable bowel syndrome, but it can often exacerbate symptoms and increase their frequency. Studies show that activities that reduce stress like meditation and yoga can significantly reduce discomfort due to IBS.

2. Fiber
If I haven’t told you enough, fiber is still one of the best things you can add to your body. For those with frequent constipation, fiber should be added to liquids like water and tea. Fiber can help improve stool regularity and reduce bloating and cramping in many IBS victims. Here is a great breakdown of how to add fiber to your diet to alleviate your specific symptoms.

3. Probiotics 
Here is another great reason to start taking a probiotic. These organisms help restore healthy gut flora and have been shown in multiple studies to reduce symptoms and frequency of abdominal pain associated with IBS. Some patients also reported a reduction in diarrhea after consistent use of a daily probiotic. Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most commonly studied strains.

4. Avoid Sugar Substitutes
Sugar substitutes like mannitol and xylitol can severely worsen gas (immediate bathroom break) and be bloating. These are often found in snacks and candies labeled “sugar-free.” Avoid these whenever possible.

If your symptoms are getting worse, visit your doctor to be examined and evaluated.


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